TRUEngineTM Program Expands Reach; 6,000 CFM56 Engines Certified To Date

May 17, 2011

CFM International's TRUEngine program continues to achieve broad-based industry acceptance since the program was launched in mid-2008. Currently, more than 6,000 CFM56 engines in service with 62 operators worldwide are qualified for TRUEngine status. This number represents nearly 40 percent of the in-service CFM56 commercial fleet worldwide.

To date in 2011, Alitalia, Air Arabia (Maroc), AerSale, Jeju Air, and Thomas Cook have each had portions of their CFM56 fleets qualified.

"CFM is well positioned to provide full product support for CFM56 engines based both on our extensive fleet experience, as well as our product-level knowledge," said Chaker Chahrour, executive vice president of CFM International. "The TRUEngine designation enhances customer value in that it confirms engine content and the applicability of CFM technical data and, thus, streamlines the support process."

The TRUEngine designation serves as a method for identifying engines with CFM-approved content and facilitates product support of the engine system. Moreover, industry stakeholders use the knowledge of engine content to evaluate engine value and re-marketability.

The TRUEngine designation is available for all CFM56 engines. To qualify, a customer submits engine serial numbers, along with a combination of fleet operational and maintenance records, to CFM for evaluation to ensure the engine content, overhaul practices, and repairs are consistent with CFM requirements for that engine model.

Jamie Jewell

+1 513.885.2282

Charles Soret

+33 (0)

Perry Bradley

+1 513 375 2597

Talal Ahmed Almahmood

+973 173 3819