Turk Hava Yollari (THY) has placed a $280 million order for CFM56-7 engines to power a new fleet of 26 Boeing Next-Generation 737-800 aircraft. The airline has also taken options on 23 additional aircraft.
The CFM56-7 is produced by CFM International (CFM), the world's leading transport aircraft engine supplier and a 50/50 joint company of Snecma (Safran Group) of France and General Electric of the United States.
THY, the flag carrier for Turkey, is scheduled to begin taking delivery of its new 737s in 1998, with deliveries scheduled to conclude in the year 2002. The airline currently operates a leased fleet of 30 Classic 737-400 and -500 aircraft powered by the CFM56-3.
The CFM56-7, which is rated at 24,000 and 26,300 pounds thrust for the 737-800, was certified in December 1996, and is currently undergoing flight tests on the 737-700 in preparation for aircraft certification and entry into service later this year. The first 737-800 flew this past July, and is on track for certification in early 1998. The engine's advanced technology, which includes three-dimensional aero design, a high efficiency wide chord fan, advanced electronic engine control and active clearance control systems, will provide significant cost benefits in terms of substantial reductions in fuel burn and maintenance costs compared to the industry-leading CFM56-3C1.
Since the CFM56-7-powered Next-Generation 737 was launched in 1993, it has become the fastest selling aircraft/engine combination in history. Announced orders (including THY) now stand at nearly 700 aircraft.