The Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), Civil Aviation Supplies Holding Company (CAS), Civil Aviation Flying University of China (CAFUC) CFM International (CFM), GE Aviation (GE), and Snecma (Safran group) have jointly renewed the cooperative agreement under which the Aero Engine Maintenance Training Center (AEMTC) operates.
The original agreement that established the training center was signed in 1994 and has been extended twice since then. The current extension takes the center through the year 2014.
AEMTC, which originally opened on scheduled in 1996 to support operation of CFM56 and GE CF6 engines in China, is located within the CAFUC campus in Guanghan, Sichuan Province. It was the first training center of its kind in China and was the first such world-class training facility outside the U.S. and France. AEMTC trains 500 to 600 students each year and, to date, has graduated more than 8,500 mechanics from Chinese airlines.
GE and Snecma have continued to invest in AEMTC over the years to both equip the Center and to expand its capabilities. In addition to helping design the school to U.S. standards, the companies have equipped the school with CFM56-3, CFM56-5B, CFM56-7B and CF6-80C2 training engines, tooling, instructional manuals, and teaching aides.
The school curriculum features comprehensive, hands-on courses in basic engine introduction, line maintenance, fan balancing, borescoping, and other skills. The training provided at AEMTC - a state-of-the-art 4,500 square meter facility with six engine shop bays and five classrooms - is equivalent to the training at the CFM centers in the United States, France, and India. All four centers are staffed with experienced instructors who facilitate exercises in the classroom and hands-on procedures in the engine shop. Each center also provides computer-based training, both self-paced and instructor-led. AEMTC is staffed by two co-leaders and three full-time instructors.
CFM International is a 50/50 joint company between Snecma (Safran group) and General Electric Company.