LE BOURGET June 16, 2003 Certification by the European Joint Airworthiness Authorities of the CFM56-5B acoustic upgrade package for the Airbus A321 is on schedule for September 2003, and the hardware will be available to customers by October of this year.
CFM56-5B engines, which power the Airbus A318, A319, A320, and A321, are produced by CFM International (CFM), a 50/50 joint company between Snecma Moteurs (Safran Group) of France and General Electric Company.
CFM and Airbus defined the acoustic package to ensure this aircraft/engine combination will operate well within proposed limits. The upgrade kit, which includes a core chevron nozzle and improved reverser treatment in the nacelle, was designed to reduce noise levels to 10 EPNdB (effective perceived noise in decibels) below FAR 36 Stage 3 noise limits. During the Airbus flight test program recently conducted on an A321, the upgraded propulsion system achieved design intent and, as a result, will meet, with significant margin, the new noise regulations taking effect January 1, 2006.