CFM International Expands TRUEngineTM Program and Announces New Benefits

November 15, 2009

CFM International's TRUEngine program has grown since its launch in mid-2008, both in terms of industry acceptance and additional value to the qualifying airline fleets. To date, more than 3,000 CFM56 engines in service with more than 25 customers/operators worldwide have met the TRUEngine qualification criteria.

"We initially launched TRUEngine to help the industry more easily and accurately appraise used CFM56 engines, " said Eric Bachelet, president and CEO of CFM International (CFM). "Since then, we have continued to refine and improve the program to bring our customers some operational value. The response has been very positive."

In addition to the inherent configuration-based benefits of enhanced asset value and optimal supportability, the TRUEngine program will include extended new part special guarantees and increased lease pool support for customers with qualified engines.

-New parts installed at a shop visit will come with extended material replacement coverage. This will be transferable to secondary engine owners, if TRUEngine status is maintained.

-Enhanced use of the CFM Lease Pool will be available to TRUEngine customers to support qualified engines in their fleets, in the event of an unscheduled engine removal.

-CFM will work with customers, at their request, to restore engines to CFM-approved configurations if non-CFM material is found in engines qualified for the TRUEngine program.

Additionally, CFM is exploring a number of other TRUEngine benefits that will be launched sequentially in the course of the year as the program continues to expand. . Customers should contact their CFM representative for the details and availability of these new benefits.

The TRUEngine designation is available to all CFM56 engines meeting the criteria. To qualify for TRUEngine status, the engine configuration, engine overhaul practices, spare parts and repairs used to service the engine must be consistent with CFMrequirementsfor that engine model. The qualification data is obtained through a combination of fleet operational and maintenance records.

Jamie Jewell

+1 513.885.2282

Charles Soret

+33 (0)

Perry Bradley

+1 513 375 2597

Talal Ahmed Almahmood

+973 173 3819