CFM International Engine Status Report
February 6, 1996
CFM56-2 (Commercial Applications)
- Current rating is 22,000 pounds (98 kN) thrust.
- Engine entered commercial service in April 1982.
- Engine flight hours total 10.3 million.
- Applications are the DC-8 Super 71, 72, and 73.
- Aircraft in service total 110.
- High-time engine has accumulated 33,645 flight hours.
- High-cycle engine has accumulated 15,355 cycles.
- Engine-caused shop visit rate of .122 is equivalent to one visit per 8,196 engine flight hours. {1}
- Dispatch reliability rate is 99.86 percent. {1}
CFM56-2 (Military Applications)
- Current rating is 22,000 to 24,000 pounds (98 to 107 kN) thrust.
- Engine entered military service in June 1984.
- Engine flight hours total 4.5 million.
- Applications are the Boeing KC-135R, C-135FR, and KE-3A tankers, E-3A Airborne Warning and Control System aircraft, RC-135 reconnaissance and E-6A submarine communications aircraft.
- Aircraft in service total 436.
- High-time engine has accumulated 7,726 flight hours.
- High-cycle engine has accumulated 6,978 cycles.
- Engine-caused shop visit rate of .032 is equivalent to one visit per 31,250 engine flight hours.{1}
- Current rating is 18,500 to 23,500 pounds (82 to 104 kN) thrust.
- Engine entered revenue service in December 1984.
- Engine flight hours total 48.7 million.
- Applications are the Boeing 737-300, 737-400, and 737-500.
- Aircraft in service total 1,611.
- High-time engine has accumulated 32,991 flight hours.
- High-cycle engine has accumulated 33,956 cycles.
- Engine-caused shop visit rate of .075 is equivalent to one visit per 13,333 engine flight hours. {1}
- Dispatch reliability rate is 99.97 percent. {1}
- Current rating is 25,000 to 26,500 pounds (111 to 118 kN) thrust.
- Engine entered revenue service in April 1988.
- Engine flight hours total 7 million.
- Applications are the Airbus Industrie A319 and A320.
- Aircraft in service total 321.
- High-time engine has accumulated 19,709 flight hours.
- High-cycle engine has accumulated 14,376 cycles.
- Engine-caused shop visit rate of .063 is equivalent to one visit per 15,873 engine flight hours.{1}
- Dispatch reliability rate is 99.92 percent.{1}
- Current rating is 22,000 to 31,500 pounds (98 to 140 kN) thrust.
- Engine entered revenue service in April 1994.
- Engine flight hours total 82,530.
- Application is the Airbus Industrie A319, A320, and A321.
- Aircraft in service total 28.
- High-time engine has accumulated 3,456 flight hours.
- High-cycle engine has accumulated 3,059 cycles.
- Engine-caused shop visit rate of .162 is equivalent to one visit per 6,173 engine flight hours.{1}
- Dispatch reliability rate of 99.92 percent.{1}
- Current rating is 31,200 to 34,00 pounds (139 to 151 kN) thrust.
- Engine entered revenue service in March 1993.
- Engine flight hours total 1.6 million.
- Applications is the Airbus Industrie A340.
- Aircraft in service total 65.
- High-time engine has accumulated 12,562 flight hours.
- High-cycle engine has accumulated 2,335 cycles.
- Engine-caused shop visit rate of .026 is equivalent to one visit per 38,462 engine flight hours. {1}
- Dispatch reliability rate is 99.80 percent. {1}
All data are as of 31 December 1995.
{1} Rate is based on a 12-month rolling average ending 31 December 1995. Dispatch reliability is based on the number of successful departures per 1,000.