CFM Evaluating Tech Insertion Package For CFM56-5B And CFM56-7B Engines

July 19, 2004

FARNBOROUGH July 19, 2004 CFM International is evaluating an advanced technology insertion program for its CFM56-5B and CFM56-7B fleets, incorporating technologies developed as part of Project TECH56. Engineering studies are being finalized and a launch decision is expected by the end of this year. CFM International (CFM) is a 50/50 joint company between Snecma Moteurs (Safran Group) and General Electric Company. It is the world's leading aircraft engine manufacturer, with 14,200 engines in service worldwide. There are currently more than 4,800 CFM56-5B and CFM56-7B engines in service on Airbus A320 and Boeing 737 aircraft.

Once the program is launched, Tech Insertion could be certified by early 2007. It will be introduced into both new production engines, and will also be offered as an upgrade kit. The package includes improvements to the high-pressure compressor, the combustor, and the high- and low-pressure turbines. It will help customers to lower overall operating costs through lower maintenance costs, longer time on wing, lower fuel consumption, and reduced airport taxes from lower NOx (nitrogen oxides) emissions.

CFM has designed new high-pressure compressor blades using advanced aerodynamic analysis and design methods developed as part of Project TECH56. This design improves efficiency and decreases deterioration by reducing sensitivity to open clearances.

Using advanced analytic tools developed for the TAPS (twin-annular pre-swirl) combustor, CFM has improved the cooling in the current CFM56 single-annular combustor in order to reduce NOx emissions, providing margin to the CAEP 6 emissions regulations scheduled to take effect in 2008.

Changes in the turbine include a new low-shock high-pressure turbine blade contour, which was validated as part of Project TECH56. The blade design lowers the interaction loss between the high- and low-pressure turbines. When combined with additional durability improvements, the high- and low-pressure turbines reduce fuel burn through improved efficiency, and lower maintenance costs. The design also includes a more durable low-pressure turbine nozzle with modified cooling.

Jamie Jewell

+1 513.885.2282

Charles Soret

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Perry Bradley

+1 513 375 2597

Talal Ahmed Almahmood

+973 173 3819